Compressed air is an extremely useful tool. It aids in the powering of different machines and constructing buildings. It can also be used to secure floors, drywall, and ceilings. 

While compressed air is extremely popular and useful, there are some myths out there that really need to be debunked. Let's take a look at a few. 

Three Myths About Compressed Air

  1. Synthetic Air Compressor Fluids Are All Exactly the Same
    This statement is actually false. In fact, the only real similarity between all synthetic air compressor fluids is that they aren't made of hydrocarbon base stock. Other than that, everything is completely different. Each synthetic air compressor fluid has a different use for each air compressor. You have to be able to identify which one is best for your specific compressor. To determine this, you need to figure out what type of base stock your fluid has.
  2. Compressed Air Isn't Pure
    Many people believe that compressed air is actually impure. However, that isn't the case. Air from an air compressor is actually pretty clean. Even though the air in older compressors may be a little more on the dirty side, compressed air distribution is actually some of the cleanest air out there. Any compressed air distribution that is found to be dirty is due to the maintenance of the air compressor itself.
  3. Compressed Air Is More Expensive Than Electrical Power
    While this may be somewhat true, compressed air can actually cost less than electrical power if it is used efficiently and responsibly. For example, the pressure loss in a properly designed system will be less than 10% of the compressor’s discharge pressure. That is found on a gauge on the outlet of the compressor. As long as the pressure remains at that level, your costs will not go up or exceed what they're normally at. Compressed air piping materials and compressed air distribution systems should be properly maintained to reduce excess costs.

There are many myths about compressed air, but keep in mind that not everything you hear or read is true. Reach out to an air compressor specialist if you have any questions regarding if something is accurate or not. They will know best. 

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