Having a compressed air distribution system is common for businesses that need powerful tools to allow workers to do their jobs. A properly maintained and installed system can be a work of art, with heat recovery units recovering 50% to 90% of their heat, and having amazing energy efficiency. Both of which can mean fewer expenses for your business.

While installing a compressed air distribution system properly might not be within your circle of knowledge, it is up to you to make sure it’s well-maintained. Or at least, to maintain the aspects of the system that you can, such as air compressor piping, tubs, and filters that make up the system.

The Importance of Maintaining Your System
A well-maintained air compressor system needs less energy to deliver the required and expected pressure. That means a better energy efficiency, and the ability to get more out of your unit for less money invested. There are several things that one should do to ensure that their system is kept in good condition:

  1. Change your air filters often.
  2. Keep every part and component as clean as possible.
  3. Remove all little-used or redundant piping to keep air pressure flow equal.

Perform Preventative Maintenance
Another important part of keeping your compressed air distribution system in good condition is to do preventative maintenance. This maintenance is done whether there is a fault in the system or not and is essential to long-term reliability and energy-efficient operations.

Keep a Maintenance Checklist
Another thing you can do to keep your system in good condition is to create a maintenance checklist that you follow. You should follow a schedule that the manufacturer or designer recommends you, but some common items include:

  1. Locating leaks and system damages, then repairing or patching them.
  2. Making sure all parts are properly lubricated and all oil color is consistent.
  3. Checking the drive belt tension and conditions, as well as the valve operation and condensate traps.

There are a lot of parts and components that make up your compressed air system, and maintaining each and every one of them can seem like an impossible task. But if you want to have the best results and get the most out of it, you should definitely do so. This information will hopefully help you on that path.

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